Saturday, March 24, 2007

So in my brain I know what should be happening. My heart is not as easy to tame. It seems in my mind I'm always like God's plan is better than mine, so lets go with that. Soooooo easy to do with my brain. My heart is like, "No, sorry. You can't actually do that. My plan is really better." And it sucks. It is so hard for me to trust God with big things in life. Things like getting married. I want so bad to be married, that if it isn't in God's plan its almost a deal breaker. Like that is how into my plan I am. I don't even want to contemplate that I could glorify God better, and do His will more efficiently on my own. That would be horrible in my mind. I mean I get lonely now in rooms full of people, how much more so could it be when I'm teaching in an inner city school getting nothing from kids I'm pouring my soul into, in a city no where near where I grew up or family. I feel like I'm going to have to have that support, that intimate community. But I mean, God's plan is better than mine. I have to keep telling myself that.

It's hard to do. Some stuff has happened lately where I seeked God's will on something, went for it, got nothing, and was like, "What the crap Jesus?" How can this not be your will? In vague terms I like a girl who is ridiculously encouraging and challenging and pushes me to Jesus, so in my mind how can that not be God's will. Well, it isn't. That's how. So now I'm just stuck. I got nothing. No plan, nothing. I mean I've never liked a girl who actually pushed me toward Jesus. I pretty much like the cute ones no matter what else. Shoot I have only a handful of friends if that who actually call me out on my junk and encourage me regulary (most of which are on leadership at Midtown, so I don't even know if that counts). My optimism tells me maybe later. My mind tells me to move on. I don't know what to do. So there it is. As Dustin says, the mask is off. Take that world.


brYan said...

Hey Sean,

Been a long time friend. I know exactly what you're saying and it's really tough. One thing I thought of while reading your blog though was this: Maybe God wants to match you up with the woman who you can be the spiritual leader for. Where you're encouraging her to dig deeper into her walk with Christ. Just a thought.

stunningman said...

Hey man - just found your blog. God's will is a funny thing. It rarely makes sense looking forward, more often backwards, but even then not always. I have been seeking Him concerning my career path for about 6 months, but apparently He is hiding for now...

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog because of the last post.
Let me just give you a quick history of my life. When I was your age I wasn't really thinking about living for the Lord. I always thought I'd be married by the time I was 23, start having babies around 25 & be done by the time I was 30... Life would be happy & good.
After getting saved in '93 @ 27 years old(still single at this point, but had been in & out of relationships)I went to this church that felt like home. Knew God promised me some day I'd be married- used the story of Abe & Sarah. Started to feel like Sarah! I did not get married until 2004 @ the ripe old age of 37. Prayed for 2 things- a)don't get pregnant on honeymoon & don't be 40 & having babies.
God in his infinite sense of humor honored that prayer. I got pregnant 5 mo. after being married, with twins!
So I said all that to say this...
In God's world 1 day is as 1000. Follow Him, he will give you the strength to stand strong & deal with the desire to be married. It is good that you realized the relationship you were in was not right.
He loves you & wants what is best for you.
God Bless

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